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Gallowhill ariel view.JPG

The Existing Site:


The site is situated off Montgomery Road and is currently open grass land, bound to the north by a mature treeline and the M8, to the east by Arkleston Road, to the south the existing properties and lock ups off Montgomery Avenue and Montgomery Road and to the west, Glencairn Court.


The Housing:


The current proposals are to develop the site for 65 properties with a mix of cottage flats and houses - there are no flats which are being served off a common stair or close included in this development.


The housing mix may change through the public consultation, but the current proposals include the following housing types and numbers: -


The new development will be accessible via new infrastructure off Montgomery Road, featuring a newly constructed road network designed to serve most dwellings. Several blocks will be directly accessed from Montgomery Road to provide a strong frontage to the entrance of the development.


Sustainability Standards:


All homes will be constructed to exceptionally high sustainability standards, employing a fabric-first approach to minimise fuel costs for residents. Renewable energy sources will be integrated into all properties to achieve Gold Level Aspects 1 through 8. Each home will adhere to the Housing for Varying Needs Standard, ensuring accessibility for individuals with different mobility requirements and providing flexibility in layout and design.


The proposed development will undergo assessment for Secured by Design Accreditation to ensure residents' safety. In compliance with current Scottish Government legislation, all properties will be equipped with fire suppression systems.​


Built Form:


The proposals consist of two-storey cottage flats, semi-detached, and terraced housing. The external appearance of the homes is still in the design development phase but will feature traditional materials that respect the setting and existing built environment. The exterior fenestration will include traditionally proportioned windows set in brick facades, while the roof will have a conventional pitch covered with concrete roof tiles.


These low-maintenance materials extend to the selection of uPVC fascia’s and rainwater goods, ensuring that the properties enhance their local surroundings without decay and remain maintenance-free for the occupier. High-performing timber windows are expected to complete the properties.



Next Steps: 


The Pre-Application Notice (PAN) was submitted to Renfrewshire Council on April 12th, 2024, and will run until July 5th, 2024. Any consultation responses based on this presentation should be returned by Friday 28th June using the online tool. Your views will be considered after this consultation.


The project design team will carefully consider all comments made during this consultation as the proposals are further developed. A report on this consultation exercise will be prepared and submitted to Renfrewshire Council with the planning application.


Pending the outcomes of this consultation and discussions with Renfrewshire Council and other stakeholders, we plan to submit a planning application as soon as possible. The application will include supporting information on various subjects, including design, transport, drainage, and sustainability. If approved by Renfrewshire Council, the development is anticipated to commence in 2025.


Thank you for taking the time to review this information. We welcome your comments on our proposals and look forward to receiving your feedback. Please note that this is a pre-application consultation, and you will have an opportunity to make formal representations to Renfrewshire Council once a planning application has been submitted.

To view detailed proposals, click here.

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