The Site: The site is situated on the land occupied by the former Coop store at carron Road and accessed from Ronades Road. The site is currently hardstanding.
The Carron Medical Centre is currently located within the red line boundary of the site – these proposals do not impact on the Medical Centre and this will be remaining in the current building.
To the north of the site there is the Lidl store and IMP car was with associated car parking, to the east the site is bounded by Carron Road, to the South the Matalan store and the West is Ronades Road and the Coop convenience store and pharmacy.
Proposal: The proposals are to develop the site for around 79 no properties with a mix of flats, cottages and houses.
The new properties will be served off Ronades Road with new road network developed to serve the dwellings and the existing Carron medical Centre. The current draft proposals include for the pedestrian linkages through the site.
Standards: All the homes will be built to high standards of insulation to minimise fuel costs for residents and solar photovoltaic panels will be included on all properties. Individual homes will all be built to the Housing for Varying Needs Standard which ensures that the properties can accommodate these with differing mobility needs and the proposed development will be assessed against the Secured by Design Accreditation.
Built Form: The proposals comprise a mixture of two-storey semi-detached and terraced housing, 3 storey town houses, main door cottage properties and 3 storey flats..
The elevational treatment and finishes for this project have not been developed but will include traditionally proportioned windows, set in brick and rendered facades. Conventional pitched roof slopes form gable features and are covered with concrete roof tiles. These low maintenance materials extend to the selection of uPVC fascias, and rainwater goods to ensure that the properties continue to enhance their local surroundings without decay.
Next Steps: The PAN notice was submitted to Falkirk Council on 30 October and will run to 2 February 2024. Any consultation responses based on this presentation should be returned by Friday 2 February using the online tool.
This note does not relate to a Planning Application. Comments should not be made to Falkirk Council. Please note that any comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the Planning Authority. If a Planning Application is subsequently submitted to Falkirk Council, neighbour notification will be undertaken that that time by the Council, and you will have the opportunity to make formal representations regarding the proposal at that time.
We thank you for taking the time to read this information and would welcome your views on this proposal.